Wednesday, June 6, 2007 LFMB: Chapter 52 FAMILY

L: that happens? Austen .. no me!

F: (trying to sit down) look what happens is that the doctor spoke to me!

L: (feel it too) aja ??... if I realized that you said something you do not like!

F: Exactly, because of my accident I hurt my right hip, in addition to the leg (touching the cast) that looks is where begins the thigh to the ankle!

L: sii, and what happens?

F: my love, with all the pain of my soul, I have to say that the docotor told me I had to avoidar any movement that caused me to hurt me oo damage and that includes, well ...

L: Fernando Mendiola, meaning that these me ....( ponindo face of tragedy) that are not going to be together ... together ... ?.... juntitos bone?

F: if my life ... I know ... I also cry too ... you know I love being with you, but .... aaaaaaaaaaiiiicccccchhhhh all my fault ... was my fault!

L: perama noo .. .. Inala Inala exhale exhale ... but is ... and how long you have for recovery?

F: that's the worst !!... this tengounmes (so quickie)


TMLXC L: queeeee ????....

F: I have a month of recovery, then I removed the cast and begin treatment!

L: is me .. (starts fanning herself with her hand) I get the mime is .. there is!

F: what? ... Lety, I do not want to talk and as Luigi!

L: FERNANDO !!!... osea tuuu ... you know you can not stand to be one month as well (if aja)

F: yooooooooo?? ???..... or are you talking about you?

L: (nerVIOS) noo ... noo ... !!!.... is clearly not looking .. it's not fair!, I mean, as I explained, a month? ... Fernando a month? ? ...

F: yeah, and how you think I am? .. Aaaah ... but that was so full of courage today ... could you not be around, Lety, you know that nothing more than feel you near, everything makes me crazy!

L: So if I, too, but if it is for your health because we have no other

F: is this damn plaster aaaaaaaaaaah!

L: Fernando shshshsh ... and do not anger, that just came out of hospital, we look better to think of other thingsIf? ... Go to sleep

F: sii, but give me my goodnight kiss!

L: Calre yes, gladly (Lety comes close and take the side of him in his hands and kisses, the kind he likes) good night!

F: (beyond that here) mmmm ... yes, yeah ... I love you!

L: and unto thee!

(will sleep and get up the next day, some breakfast and go straight to the AIRPORT, come to this and take their flight to Mexico)

(Already in Mexico ) CHT MLXC

F: Traiste your car? ... Or you brought?

L: noo, I brought my car going to look .. or not! ... Better stay here and pick you not to walk ... yes?

F: but ... I'm going!

L: no Fernando, no ... Wait here, I'll be back!

F: ok, ok!

(Lety and I look in the car)

F: Well now what?

L: like now? ... To look for my daughters andfor the home I want to be at home, ma ~ ana Concepts I have to go early, 4 days without knowing what happened!

F: sii, the ni ~ as ... and if we are to ma ~ ana Concepts!

L: (braking cantaso) QUEEEEEEE ?????..... ~ or not you are not going anywhere, he forgot that this accident? ...

F: sii, but I want to work

L: see my love ... now can not, you have to wait recover a little more ... shall we? .. .

F: noo ... I feel useless, that comes after, that I can not help with the twins... Yaa!

L: jiji ... Fer, you know I'm always up to you to help me with them!

F: pos sii .... but ... aaahh .. andale start ... we'll find them!

L: hey ... with love if you, talk with love!

F: Yeah, yeah sorry!

(Things seemed to be changing between them, but wanted no more trouble, something separate again, came home to the popes of Lety)

L : (opening the front door of the worlas) hooola ... Mom? ... Dad? .. (speaking to Fer) in!

F: (and in) it seems that there is nobody!

L: (slamming the door) iff, there must be people ... (looks at his watch) at this time if mommy !!... ??.... potato? DJ

(downstairs) mijita hi ... how are you ??... Fernando, look at you boy! (Embraces the 2)

F: hello mother and my suegrito?

DJ: is taking a nap

L: ahh ok ... and my no .. where are ~ as I see them?

DJ: potatoes, as they are with Fernando!

F: with my parents?

DJ: sii, wanted to take care!

L: (nervous) aaahh ... ok .... and where are they?

DJ: I guess in your home!

F: sii, sii, at his home here, ... Lety, better go to there ..

L: Yeah .. yeah !!... good to see you then if you mommy?

DJ, but do not want anything? ... Fernando is not going to tell me anything that paso?

L: (a rush) then if you mommy ..? ... This is that we are very tired!

DJ: Well ... aaah Fernando

F: if mother?

DJ: congratulations on the new baby ...

F: (Smiles) ... hehehe ... thank you (by standing on the chair with his crutches) then let's go!

L: sii .... bye mommy, and then come

DJ: If daughter, God bless!

F: suegrita goodbye!

(They say goodbye in a hurry, and quieria get home, with her daughters come home to the popes of Fer)

F: (in car) yaa .... we arrived, we talk fast, piena is hurting me!

L: ok, as you say (gives a kiss)

F: Lety not start!

L: that ??... I can not give a kiss to my husband?

F: sii, if you can, but you know that everything leads to something else and so and so! CH TMLXC

L: there do not be ridiculous !!... I'll kiss you as often as I please!

F: and if I do not want?

L: aaaah you're denying me, ok, want to play well, because as you say (Lety under fast truck)

F: but Lety, Leticia!

L: (helping to lower) if you tell me?

F: these annoying?

L: (sarcastically) I? .. Jajaja andale !!... nothing to do, we will seek to either ~ as!

(Lety and Fernando, came to that door and began to touch her, opened a servant of the Mendiola)

Trini: ah, young Fernando, Mrs. Leticia, I'm glad to see you here!

F: hello my dear Trini (hugs, as known all his life) my parents, are at home?

Trini: yes, they are in the garden with no ace ~!

L: aahh, thank you very much Trini!

Trini, but spend, spend! CH TMLXC

(to get into that big house, where lived the Mendiola, went to the yard where they saw their daughters as they ran from one side to the other)

DT: Leticia, son, but look at you Fernando (hugs her son)

F: there mama! .. hahaha ... (still hugging) breast gangrene gangrene!

DT: (to be embraced more) so what? .. What happens?

L: that these pressing .. hehehe!

DT: aahh sorry son, but I really excited to see you and look at all hurt so! CH

TMLXC F: aaah, do not worry ma ', I'm fine!

DT: But Leticia, look how beautiful these (hugs)

DH: Son, son! (Hugs him)

F : papa !!!... I'm glad to see you!

DH: daughter how are you (hugs)

L: Humberto hello !!... and my or ~ as?

DH: Look !!... come sit there son!

F: sii (Fernando sits)


L: (lety bends to receive a warm embrace of her daughters) or ~ as my aaahh! (And when they come from the Lety momentum falls to the floor) jijii!

Tere: mami ... (hugs as much as q can) Mommy!

L: I love you too strange e!! and you (speaking to July)

DT: but Lety, child care, it looks like you are lying, you have to take care of yourself, you're pregnant, you should not make those efforts!

L: jijii .. and as you know I'm pregnantAaaaaaahh ?......... insurance were my parents!

DT: yeah!

L: Do not worry mother I'm pregnant, do .. jijijij useless!

F: and I do not say hello?

(The or ~ as were heading toward his father, but seeing him there with such a cast, is scary, what were rare)

L: go and greet him!

F: do not panic, Dad is well !!.... only come if?

(as is the ni ~ land came with a little curiosity to see the plaster, and then hugged his father and this to them, very strange aba)

July, that this (was ~ alando the cast)

F: a can that's a cast, is that Pope was a coup and put him to cure

Tere: and luuuuele?

F: hehe, if it hurts a little ahead!

DH: Well son, but thought to cross so?

F: is he wanted to get to the hotel, doing things and pull so without looking at me! CH

TMLXC DT: If Fernando, but tremendous shock that we hit her!

L: Yes, I told him !!... he has to rest a lot, not going to get to work on some days!

DH: yeah? ..

F: if the pope, is that this damn cast is ruining my life!

L: Fernando, do not say such bad words in front of or ~ as if?

F: sii, yeah, I forget!

DT: Well, do not forget! CHTMLX C

F: good family, I am very tired and want to go home to sleep

DT: they're going?

L: I think that if

F: Yes, we came to see them and find aa or ~ as!

DT: Well if you want to relax, why not leave them here?

L: no, do not worry Teresita, I'm taking them for real!

DH: No, but leave them here, they see that almost never see!

F: (looks at Lety) good Pope is, I do not know, for me this well!

L: Well, ok, but I care, anything not take aspirin July, Tere give allergy and always likes to hear a song before sleep y. ..

DT: Yes, if as you say, I knew .. daughter, also wants to buy some stuff for my new grandson

L: but if I have only 3 weeks !

DT: sii, but also one grandson and I want to indulge!

F: (hastily) sii, sii mamma quand you say, Lety we go?

L: (I look extra ~ o) if, stabilizing, and I say goodbye and only!

(Lety and Fernando said goodbye to her daughters, saying many I love you and see you ma ~ ana and then took leave of the Mendiola, and already in their house)

L: I help you upstairs?

F: no, I can!

L: Yes, as you say !!... I'll see how the house had Pepa!

F: Yes!

(As Lety to their checks at home, Fernando was rung by rung)

L: all via these up (I was saying as he passed through the side and reached up)

; F: yes, tease!

L: (from the fourth) TU SOLITO wanted to do, THEN!

F: and do not be a clown, help me!

L: (leaning out the door) sii, are you sure ?...( leaving the room and standing in front of it) because it looks that you're very rude!

F: yeah, help me, pero efforts not want you!

L: !!!...( Fernando and Lety, it was helping little by little, and if I was doing a lot of strength )......( complaining a bit) Haay!. ..

F: that happened ?.... it hurts?

L: (with his hand on the belly) is not no !!...

F: I told you that you can not make you feel good !!!... forces?

L: Fernando !!... and if we go to the room, yes?

F: (deep breath) sii!

(The two are dropped into bed tired)

F: These follow that all right?

L: if Fer (said as he stroked his belly)

F: please do not strain yourself ... but here I will stay up if ...? . do not want anything to happen to you !!... either you or the baby!

L: (he smiles) groups ~ thank you very much on!

F: yooooooo on ?.... ?.... groups NAAA ~!

L: jiji .. aaaah ?.... then why do not you complain and fight for everything?

F: is that I have depression ... hahaha ... I can not stand this cast and the pain is killing me!

L: hehe ... and calm down, you bring your meds now (Lety went to stop, but her husband's arm halo) that?

F: I told you in New York?

L: (confused) that I said?

F: (approaches him) do not remember?

L: no, I really do not!

F: I told him all the best medicine doctor that I could recetar were (She kisses him, very tender, but each time it rises a little more level)

L: Fer .. and ... and, you know you can!

F: I can not but, I do not care! (Turns and kisses her) - PEOPLE ... forgive me if SLOW ME IS THAT I'M DOING 3 fanfics, EAST, AND OTHER MORE GROUP ONE ---


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